Blog Post

Search engine optimisation for your business.

  • By Ciaran Feighery
  • 01 Mar, 2018
Search engine optimisation for your business

Affecting the visibility of your website in search results.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's un-paid ("organic") search results. In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive, and the more business it will generate. With this in mind we need to find out what do we need to know to get good SEO.

SEO is a task that needs to be carried out by a person with thorough knowledge of how the search engines operate. A number of companies and individuals will tell you they will get you page 1 rankings on the search engines, and some will actually achieve this for you using obscure “Key” words or phrases, but the question is, does it achieve the desired results (more business for you)? The reality is that the internet is growing at a massive rate and there are hundreds and thousands of businesses just like yours trying to get the prime positions, and get the edge or the rest to generate increased business or more sales.

SEO is a work in progress and needs constant attention on an almost daily basis to achieve any worthwhile results. The process is slow (it involves re-phrasing key words, article writing, back links to and from your site, and a multitude of painstaking attention to detail of current trends to achieve any notable results. The SEO operative needs to know exactly what to do, and the latest SEO requirements, and have constant updated information to achieve the desired results. Bearing in mind that the search engines do not want you to get in prime positions (without paying for the privilege) so they constantly change how they rate websites and “move the goalpost” regularly.

A good SEO operative will help your ranking on Google but at a cost. This cost will be based on a number of factors but primarily on how many key words or key phrases will be used. SEO is slow, detailed work and needs constant attention to the detail and updating in line with the search engine’s ever changing policies. If you decide to go down this road make sure you use a company or individual that is recommended to you, as even some of the “Big” companies here do not achieve the desired results, and a lot of money may be wasted. Make sure you can measure the results and don’t take your eye of the ball. Be very careful about signing up to 6 month or 12 month plans.

Assuming one gets a reliable SEO implemented this will only bring your site up to possibly page 1 or 2 of Google, and is often not enough to generate sales. The prime positions on page one are generally allocated to “Pay Per Click”, Customers or Clients of the search engines who pay a premium for this service.

If you require any information on our services you can visit, email or call 00353 (0)1 465 1798.

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As a small business owner you really must have a new website for your business. If you do not already have a responsive website, then you should ask yourself why not? Is it you can’t afford the cost? Or maybe don’t have the time? Or is it you are not technically minded? Or maybe you don’t see the benefit of having a website for your company. Whatever your excuse you really need to address the negatives a get cracking to discover the steps you need to take to get your new website up and running as soon as possible.

Client feedback.

“You have done more for my business in just two weeks than my previous web developer did in two years! I'm delighted with the results.”

Marianne Jordan
Pronunciation Club

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