Blog Post

Website Grants & Website Subsidies in Ireland.

  • By Ciaran Feighery
  • 02 Jan, 2019
Website Grants & Website Subsidies in Ireland

Increase revenue with a professionally built website.

Research shows that only 24% of SMEs in Ireland, currently have an online presence, and fewer still (just 11%) are actually exporting. No matter what business you are involved in you can increase your revenue by having a professionally built website or online store.

By the end of 2019, it is estimated that over 30% of retail sales in G20 countries will be made online. Currently 80% of Europeans who use the internet plan to shop online this year.

The opportunity to tap into this marketplace and get your company a website is now easier than ever before, so you cannot let this opportunity pass you by. Even though there is currently an increasing trend in online spending it is estimated that only 23% of small Irish businesses use ecommerce in any meaningful way. It is further estimated that of all online purchases made in Ireland, almost 70% are done in overseas markets.

There are dynamic new subsidies and schemes out there to help Irish businesses set up Irish online stores and Irish websites, so here’s how it can work for you.

Find yourself a good web designer, preferably from Ireland, someone who understands your business and can help you step by step to understand the full benefits for your business to get online. Remember that your website is how you are going to present your business to the world of ecommerce, so make sure you do not compromise with DIY or cheap websites.

Subsidies are available to eligible companies, so take full advantage of this incentive, and employ an Irish web designer to carry out this work. An Irish web designer will be fully aware of these subsidies. If you live in Dublin, then go for a Dublin web designer, who will be able to assist you in getting a website grant.

In order to support the goal of developing Irish websites, and Irish online stores, the Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources (DCENR) has launched a Trading Online Voucher Scheme and has teamed up with the Local Enterprise Offices to roll out the scheme under the National Digital Strategy.

The Trading Online Voucher Scheme offers small businesses the opportunity to develop their website or online store by availing of vouchers of up to €2,500 or 50% of eligible expenditure. Eligible Projects, for an Irish website development, are available to companies with less than 10 employees, with a turnover of less than €2m, and applicant business must be registered and trading for at least 12 months.

These vouchers can be used for, IT consultation, and the development or upgrade of an ecommerce website. For additional information please call our team on 00353 (0)1 465 1798 or email

By Ciaran Feighery March 1, 2018
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's un-paid ("organic") search results. In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive, and the more business it will generate. With this in mind we need to find out what do we need to know to get good SEO.
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As a small business owner you really must have a new website for your business. If you do not already have a responsive website, then you should ask yourself why not? Is it you can’t afford the cost? Or maybe don’t have the time? Or is it you are not technically minded? Or maybe you don’t see the benefit of having a website for your company. Whatever your excuse you really need to address the negatives a get cracking to discover the steps you need to take to get your new website up and running as soon as possible.

Client feedback.

“You have done more for my business in just two weeks than my previous web developer did in two years! I'm delighted with the results.”

Marianne Jordan
Pronunciation Club

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