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See all of the latest blogs, news articles, tips and techniques from Best Web Design. Our blog articles are aimed at helping small business owners in Ireland get the most out of their website. Be sure to let us know which techniques are working for you and your business. We are always adding new content so check back regularly for the latest updates. You can also contact us with any article requests.
By Ciaran Feighery January 2, 2019
There are dynamic new subsidies and schemes out there to help Irish businesses set up Irish online stores and Irish websites, see how it can work for you.
By Ciaran Feighery March 1, 2018
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's un-paid ("organic") search results. In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive, and the more business it will generate. With this in mind we need to find out what do we need to know to get good SEO.
By Ciaran Feighery March 1, 2018
As a small business owner you really must have a new website for your business. If you do not already have a responsive website, then you should ask yourself why not? Is it you can’t afford the cost? Or maybe don’t have the time? Or is it you are not technically minded? Or maybe you don’t see the benefit of having a website for your company. Whatever your excuse you really need to address the negatives a get cracking to discover the steps you need to take to get your new website up and running as soon as possible.
By Ciaran Feighery February 28, 2018
PPC (Pay Per Click) is a service of internet marketing provided by Google (and other search engines), whereby the advertiser will pay an agreed fee every time one of their advertisements are clicked. This enables your advertisement a prime position on Google’s pages and makes it visible for potential customers who have searched for your product or service. Basically it is a way of buying your way to prime positions in the search engine.
By Ciaran Feighery February 21, 2018
In our experience we found that online trading differs from in-store trading dramatically and one of the more common mistakes some online retailers tend to make is trying to fill up their online shop with range.
By Ciaran Feighery February 19, 2018
A strong internet presence is “must have” for any business owner who is serious about developing and maximising their business. If you select a Dublin web designer with a proven track record, this is the best start you can make. Select a Dublin web designer with a transparent pricing structure and you are well on your way to the ideal web design solution for your business.
By Ciaran Feighery February 2, 2018
Email marketing is directly marketing a commercial message to a group of people using email. It usually involves using email to send ads, request business or solicit sales and is meant to build loyalty, trust or brand awareness.
By Ciaran Feighery February 1, 2018
A marketing trend that can be of great benefit are Deal Sites and the special offers they provide. There are numerous Deal Sites that operate from Ireland, among the most popular are: Groupon, DealRush, Pig’s Back, Grab One, Living Social, and Mighty Deals to name just a few. In addition to these Deal Sites a number of energy and service suppliers, such as: An Post, Electric Ireland, and Energia, are also using their customer base to promote an array of different deals, usually sent to their customers accompanied by their bill.
By Ciaran Feighery January 30, 2018
The Managing Director or Owner of a company has got to wear a number of different hats, we all agree but marketing has got to be the most important of these! Your website or online store won’t be much use to you unless you use it in your overall marketing campaign. Getting the customer is what it's all about, so with this in mind, let’s look at some of the ways your website or online store could be used in your marketing plan.

Client feedback.

“You have done more for my business in just two weeks than my previous web developer did in two years! I'm delighted with the results.”

Marianne Jordan
Pronunciation Club

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