Blog Post

Get thinking about your online business.

  • By Ciaran Feighery
  • 21 Feb, 2018
Time to get thinking about your online business

A couple of tips to get you thinking about your online business.

  1. What product or service do you want to sell most of, and what do you do best?
    In our experience we found that online trading differs from in-store trading dramatically and one of the more common mistakes some online retailers tend to make is trying to fill up their online shop with range. Yes range and choice is very important but online the real secret to success is to know what products or services that deliver value to the customer and profit to the seller, and then to focus on these products or services. You know your own business better than anyone else. Focus on this particular product or service then check the market place and see what others are offering. Now ask yourself if you can do it better, do it cheaper, do it more efficiently, or can you offer a better service. Focus on the results and design your marketing campaign around your findings. Don’t forget that you are an expert in your particular field, and people like to deal with experts. While on this subject make sure that if you have products or services that do not deliver value or margin, get rid of them now.

  2. Do you use “Birdseed” to entice your potential customer & to find your ideal customer/client?
    Birdseed is a special attraction that you offer your potential customer or clients to sample your service. It may be a free guide, a free sample or a drastically reduced product. It may be specialist advice that is of value to the recipient. Your birdseed must be of value or assistance to your potential customer or client, and should have them coming back for more. The sole purpose of your “Birdseed” should be to establish contact and get your customer’s/client’s contact details, so make sure they fill in a form, or send you an email before you send your offer.

Once you have these details you can start the sales process. Understand that success is only won through consistent reliability, and good service. Price is not always the deciding factor in getting a new customer, but we must accept that the purpose of our business is to attract and retain customers/clients.

Always remember we must make and deliver on all our marketing promises, and the offer of a full money back guarantee online is a must. If you can satisfy your client or customer on the initial sale, everything else will follow on.

If you require any information on our services you can visit, email or call 00353 (0)1 465 1798.

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's un-paid ("organic") search results. In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive, and the more business it will generate. With this in mind we need to find out what do we need to know to get good SEO.

Client feedback.

“You have done more for my business in just two weeks than my previous web developer did in two years! I'm delighted with the results.”

Marianne Jordan
Pronunciation Club

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